Tuesday, 1 June 2010

TFS Branching

A good resource here

and in the "ranger" TFS branching guide here

SAK reference in VS projects

And here's why

Visual Studio project GUIDS

Some care needs to be taken when a large number of people are contributing to a solution... When a VS project is created a new (unique of course) GUID is assigned to the project, when the project is part of a solution the GUID is used to reference the project by VS.

Here comes the trouble... If VS sees inconsistency, i.e. it spots a project GUID within a solution which is cannot resolve
1. Because another project exists with the same guid (in which case VS will generate a new guid for one of these projects)
2. Because another user has the same project or the same solution but either the project or the project reference in the solution has a different GUID to the one you have and they checked-in! In this case (with automatic check-out configured) VS will correct the mistake and the user may not have been aware (or not bothered to check) when they checked-in their changes.

Either way great care is required, we've seen this when people create a new project by copying-and-pasting an existing project.

If it's not noticed, or not acted upon, it can cause a nasty circle of check-in, check-out, change, check-in amongst a large group or between teams. This causes a great deal of confusion with a lot of developers not familiar with the details.

The way to fix this is to make sure all projects within a solution have unique guid, and that a project referenced in the solution has the correct guid (note because the project can be changed by VS, you have to look carefully in history to get the correct guid, which other people may still be referencing).

This situation applies to scenarios where lot's of "project references" exist in the solution and where the solution is stored in source control.